Welcome to our life
We are the Yurchenko family from beautiful British Columbia, Canada. We have two dear daughters, one who lives with us, and one who lives in heaven. We are passionate about healing and wholeness, and believe that everyone is entitled to live a full life–a life filled with purpose, direction, and passion.
A huge part of our story is about loss, and the difficult journey of learning to live hopefully in the midst of grief. We know that, in some way or another, all of us have experienced loss, and so we created this website to be the source of encouragement and hope.
RE:IMAGINE HOPE is a dream that the hope inside of us would be reimagined in light of the deeper hope of Christ in us. Join us as we reimagine hope by exploring the empty places of loss and grief, probing the tensions between dream and reality, and rediscover the hidden potential of "things gone wrong."
You can contact us at reimaginehopeinfo@gmail.com
© 2022 by RE:IMAGINE HOPE | www.reimaginehope.com | FORT St. John | email: reimaginehopeinfo@gmail.com